![]() Often, when people ask how many dogs I have they think I’m a little crazy when I tell them three – now they think I’m nuts. Last week we chose to take in a fourth pack member, a husky mix named Charlie. Charlie lived in a home where he was well loved, but there wasn’t enough time available for his care. He is a high energy dog and without an outlet was over excited and difficult to manage. However, he is also extremely intelligent, quick to learn, and has a wonderful temperament. Recognizing his potential I offered to give him a spot in our home, as long as he and Luna got along. Luna, being the wild card she is, had me a little nervous about the introduction. However, as it went with Ella, I had little to worry about. The two (and then three of them once Ella joined in) were chasing and playing with each other happily about 15 minutes after Charlie arrived. Charlie is adapting quickly to life at our house, he acts as if he’s always been part of the pack. He and Ella love to wear each other out, which actually gives Luna and I more of the one on one time she craves. Luckily, he gives Boots the space she needs and has not been overbearing on her at all. The only one having trouble adapting to the extra four paws is the cat. Back to the craziness of four dogs – it honestly doesn’t feel that much different than three, in some ways it feels even easier. Walking them all at once can be a bit of a challenge, but that’s what having a good strong heel and walk are for. While he is still learning, Luna and Ella on the other hand can be walked together with ease. As soon as classes start up again this spring Charlie will be heading in with me, his toughest hurdle is going to be learning to focus on his handler rather than all the other dogs he wants to play with. Once we get past that one I doubt there is going to be much this guy can’t do.
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AuthorLisa (and Luna) Archives
November 2017