Norwegian Buhund
Norsk Buhund, Norwegian Sheepdog
The Norwegian Buhund is most often used for herding sheep, but have a secondary role as a general farm dog. ‘Bu’ refers to the small dwellings that Norwegian shepherds constructed in the summer months when they stayed out with their flocks during summer grazing.
Norwegian Buhund Standards
- 23-24"
- 55-65 lbs
- medium-sized spitz
- prick, triangular ears
- tail is tightly curled over back
- double coat is smooth and harsh to the touch
- black
- wheaten
History of the Norwegian Buhund
The Norwegian Buhund is an ancient breed from Norway and believed to be the ancestor to the Icelandic Sheepdog, which dates its history back to at least 874 when these dogs accompanied their masters to settle Iceland. Skeletons remarkably similar to today’s breed have also been found in Viking excavations from around that same period. Despite its long history they remained unknown to the outside world until the 1920s and were first brought to England after WWII.
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